Paul Sayer
author : Paul Sayer
Stephen Paul Sayers is a college professor and best selling author of supernatural thriller and horror fiction. His debut novel, A Taker of Morrows, was published by Hydra Publications in June 2018. The second book in the Caretakers series, The Soul Dweller, was released in November 2018 release. His short fiction has appeared in Unfading Daydream and Well-Versed. \n\nAs a research scientist, Stephen yields to the left-brain world of data analysis and statistics by day, but releases the demons in his slightly twisted right-brain by night. It gets strange around dusk when neither side is fully in control. He makes his home in Columbia, MO and Plymouth, MA—not far from the Cape Cod locations he writes about in the Caretakers novels. Throughout his journey, he has accumulated five guitars, four herniated discs, three academic degrees, two dogs, and one wife, son, and daughter. But not necessarily in that order. \n\nFor more about the author, visit or reach out on Facebook:; Twitter:; or Instagram:\n